Wednesday, 12 March 2014

False Ceilings Are Made Of

Gypsum board: Lightweight, flexible and fire resistant, gypsum is most commonly used for false ceiling. It is tough, versatile and economical and is fast replacing other ceiling materials.
Metal ceiling panels: they are ideal for concealing ducts and wiring since they can be easily installed and maintained. They reduce overall cost since they are easy to install and access. They have a monolithic look, which gives the space a very modern look and blend with glass.
Fiber mineral reinforced materials: false ceiling can be made with fiber or mineral reinforced tiles and fiberboard. They have high insulation against sound and fire. The fiber increases the hardness and the toughness of the material. Water repellents and preservatives can be added to increase the life of the products.
POP (Plaster Of Paris) is also frequently used in the construction of a suspended ceiling. First it is applied to a wood base or fiberboard, and then it is perched from the false ceiling. It is popular as it is lightweight and results in a smooth and uniform finish.
Plywood sheets are used universally for their visual appeal. These ceilings are created with stripes of ply nailed or glued together. Because of their qualities, these ceilings are popular in a place in a cold climate.


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